Advertising Assessment: Learner Response

 Advertising Assessment: Learner Response:

1) WWW - Brilliant response to Q2, lots of relevant points discussed about contexts.

         EBI - Learn the theories for Q1 and Q4, lacking knowledge.

2) Marks achieved:

Q1 - 0/2

Q2 - 9/12

Q3 - 4/6

Q4 - 7/12

3) Q2: This encourages women to have a competitive ‘winning’ approach to washing ‘whiteness alone won’t do’. It also has notions of what a ‘real woman’ was – somebody who looks after the home and looks after a family. There was a mass production of washing machines/twin tubs, which eased the burden on women.

4) One way it subverts stereotypes is by providing a wide range of ethnically diverse people in a wide range of jobs, even those such as parliament, which is traditionally and stereotypically based around white people. One way it reinforces stereotypes is by providing the stereotype of a more violent nature with people who are ethnically diverse, such as through the rap used and perhaps through jobs such as boxer or basketballer.

5) The use of the actress, Audrey Hepburn, also links Galaxy to classic Hollywood style and glamour and nostalgia for the golden age of Hollywood. In this way, genre and intertextuality are crucial in communicating this key message. The mise-en-scène helps to create a sense of the genre of Audrey Hepburn’s classic Hollywood romances within the advert. The selection of a stereotypical Italian Riviera setting filled with 1950s/1960s nostalgia helps create the atmosphere for Galaxy’s key message. There are several ‘pack shots’ of the product (one in close-up) that helps to emphasise the quality and reward elements of the message.Intertextual references to Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany’s help to create the Hollywood glamour that Galaxy are trying to communicate through the CGI Audrey Hepburn. The ‘chauffeur’ looking similar to Gregory Peck also reinforces this.


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