Audience Effects Theory

 Audience: Effects Theory

1) A Passive Audience is an audience that takes in information without questioning, challenging or truly understanding the media product, resulting in an 'injection' type of understanding. 

2) An Active Audience is one that makes conscious choices about the media they are given to properly understand it and/or question it where necessary.

3) The Hypodermic Needle Theory is the theory that audiences are always passive because they always take the intended message from producers without questioning its reliability.

4) Examples of Uses & Gratifications:

Information/Surveillance: The Times Newspaper

- Personal Identity: Hollyoaks. It includes family life and scenarios (though overdramatized) used that audiences might be able to relate to.

- Diversion/Entertainment: Netflix. It has lots of different shows and films on it which actively provide escapism and a good source of entertainment for the audience to enjoy.

- Relationships: FRIENDS. The show has many characters which the audience can become invested in and enjoy watching. 

5) The Blue Planet is an example of Information/Surveillance because it provides information to those watching that they may have not known before. It focuses on fact and providing information for living, as it is a documentary on sea life. It might be an example of visceral pleasure as it includes some exciting action involving the sea and sea animals. It might also be an example of a vicarious pleasure as the documentary documents things from the animals' point of view and might be done in order to notify and advise the audience through the recording of the life of the sea and through the animals' eyes as they are the focus of the documentary. The documentary can bring more knowledge to those watching through the information given and advise them of the consequences of the disruption of the sea life and the true significance of the sea life as never seen before. 

Extension 1: Media Text

This football game might be an example of a Visceral Pleasure because it provides excitement and entertainment to those watching and a tense atmosphere. The media text might also be an example of entertainment/diversion because it provides escapism and entertainment away from normal life. Also, it might be entertainment/diversion as watching this might provide a distraction from one's day to day life by the enjoyment of watching the football game. It might also be a passtime from an otherwise unexciting or boring lifestyle, therefore indicating that it may be a Visceral Pleasure. 

Extension 2:

One reason that I believe the Hypodermic Needle Theory is incorrect is because people within an audience are different. This means that not everybody can be classified under one label, because everybody's brain works differently and no two people think exactly the same. However, someone may disagree with this is because some people do react passively to a media piece. For example, H.G Wells's 'War Of The Worlds' convinced many people that a real-life alien invasion was happening. This might demonstrate that The Hypodermic Needle Theory might be true in some instances, because of examples like these. 



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