Radio: KISS FM Breakfast Show CSP

Radio 1: KISS FM Breakfast Show 


1) KISS FM's mission is to create an ideal destination with which their fans and listeners can connect. They want their fans to be able to discover beyond the mundane realities of other radio shows and create more for their audience. They also want to connect with the youth and teenagers so that they can keep up with the latest news and deliver it to their audiences. They want to form a personal relationship with their audience and make sure that they create up-to-date understandings of current events.

2) The target audience for KISS is people aged between fifteen and thirty-four, with sixty per cent of all listeners being female. The Mainstream psychographic fits their audience well as they constantly aim to deliver news based on what is trending and what is popular among youth. Furthermore, the Aspirer and the Succeeder may also fit this audience, as KISS is constantly aiming to work on their station and change things according to how they believe youth view them. This may demonstrate that the Succeeder and the Aspirer may constantly work on themselves and challenge stereotypes. 

3) KISS uses digital media and technology to reach its audience by using on-demand networks so that they can reach their audience. They also use social timelines and YouTube, which are available for all audiences to see and therefore increase their distribution to audiences. KISS aims to be as vocal as possible about its services so that they can be more popular among their target audience and again interest in mainstream media.

4) KISSTORY frequently hosts events in nightclubs across Europe and also has a platform on Sky Plus and the KISS Kube app. The content they present on these platforms consists of Hip-Hop and Dance genres, which include artists like Beyoncé. KISS Fresh is on Sky and Freeview and claims to play the biggest urban and rhythmic tunes in Hip-Hop and Dance, similar to KISSTORY. Artists such as Drake and Jay-Z are played on the platform. 

5) Audiences can actively engage with the KISS Radio brand by listening to it live and competing in competitions. This means that they listen closely and tend to gain a personal relationship with some of the hosts or main figures of the show. They can also download the app and stream or listen on the radio to KISS's three stations. KISS hosts events such as festivals and pool parties, which means that listeners can go to these.

6) Listeners to the KISS Breakfast show are mostly active, in my opinion. They have multiple events and platforms to show their support and engage with the newest information. Trends are shown to them, meaning that they can passively enjoy these. However, social events and online engagement present the radio stations in more active ways and encourage listeners to become actively involved in news, pop culture and trends, meaning they form close relationships with the key figures of the stations.

7) Audiences can form key relationships with hosts of the show because they learn key information about them and become engaged in their lifestyles. The trends that they partake in also force them to become actively engaged with the radio shows and as a result also form personal relationships. They experience surveillance also because they learn new information and gain the latest news from the shows. Furthermore, KISS may act as a source of diversion or escapism because it creates an atmosphere that is quite friendly, meaning that people can listen to the radio station as a way to escape their mundane or otherwise irregular day-to-day lives.

8) During the 1960s there were few ways to listen to the radio, such as through the BBC or Pirate Radio stations. This created a limited number of people who could deliver news and information, meaning that any information they presented was the only news that they could listen to. Most people would share similar states of mind and ideas in different age groups, meaning that there was a clear divide between conservatives and liberals. However, there are currently many different platforms that people can engage with in terms of radio stations and their content. Using streaming services and going to festivals encourages people to have their viewpoints and ideas, but it also creates a sense of unity. While previously there was a clear divide on opposite ends of the spectrum, there is now a wider range of ideas and viewpoints. 

9) Both radio stations were promoted for young people and have teenagers and young adults as their target demographic. Yet, KISS Breakfast is targeted towards a wider range of people from many different demographics — there is more diversity and a sense of unity that may not have existed previously. There is also a movement of acceptance that may be included in the more liberal KISS Breakfast show. In contrast, Tony Blackburn's 1967 Radio 1 Breakfast and the launch of BBC Radio 1 are presented for and targeted towards a small group of people; the majority at the time. It had a set of conservative values and stood for traditional values, which is why it did not meet its target audience as well as KISS may do today. However, both shows attempt to represent the society that the majority lived in at the time. KISS and BBC Radio 1 both have a clear goal of following trends and keeping up with the latest news so that they can distribute it to their target audience, which consists primarily of young people. 

10) The preferred reading for KISS FM Breakfast is that it is incredibly inclusive, meaning that it targets everybody's interests and keeps up with the latest trends as they change. It targets its audience well and manages to deliver content that is interesting, relevant and enjoyable. However, the oppositional reading may be that the station is too mainstream and only manages to target a small minority of people because of the lack of interest in more niche topics and ideas. It follows a similar pattern to other radio stations and does not manage to differentiate itself in a way that may be more personal and unique.


1) Kiss FM first launched on the 7th of October, 1985 as a pirate radio station.

2) There are three different types of media: magazines, radio and digital media. The ones that I recognise are KISS and Magic. 

3) KISS FM makes money through advertising, sponsorship, and events. These include summer festivals and parties that it hosts.

4) When the show was hosted by Rickie, Melvin and Charlie previously, its listeners were over 2 million. However, when Perri and Jordan took the show over it dropped to 1.4 million and 980,000 recently.

5) Kiss FM is regulated by Ofcom. If they break the rules, they may receive a fine and can potentially face being suspended.


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