Paper 1 Assessment: Learner response

Assessment: Learner Response

1) WWW: Overall, a very successful paper with lots of noteworthy credit such as unseen product analysis and Tatler.

EBI: You miss out on marks due to not enough media terminology such as magazine conventions or not enough overall analysis in depth. 29/42 - Grade 7.

2) No direct address but the subject’s eyes are focused on pushing the heavy tyre (physical exertion) which connotes determination and power in the face of adversity. This is reinforced by his facial expression which has his mouth open in a roar which connotes supremacy and effort.

‘Begins off-field’ connotes preparation and a subversive look at sporting events (focusing on the training rather than the event itself) and underpins the above connotation.

The use of the spotlight (through the flood lit logos) links to sports matches and connotes drama/excitement but also shines on the main image connoting his power.

3) Main narrative theories:

- Propp's character theory - Character types can be seen as outdated stereotypes of masculinity and femininity (‘damsel in distress’ scenario) with Audrey Hepburn cast as the ‘heroine’ character type (Propp) with the male chauffeur coming to her aid as the ‘Hero’ archetype and rescuing her.

- Equilibrium/disequilibrium theory - There is disequilibrium at the start when the village is associated with chaos (fruit falling, bus stopping, people shouting). This is juxtaposed with the calm, heroic persona that the audience encounters when they meet Hepburn and, when the new equilibrium is restored at the end, the sweeping vista suggests endless possibilities/traditional happy ending at the closure of the narrative.

- Intertextuality - it follows a linear structure and features versions of iconic actors from the glamorous era of Hollywood (a CGI Audrey Hepburn and a lookalike for Gregory Peck) associated with sophistication and desirability. The narrative references Roman Holiday so rewards audiences who have knowledge of the glamour of old Hollywood. The narrative is a parody of the original film. 

4) ‘Blond Ambition’ shows link to Prime Minister Boris Johnson (interview with his brother). Reflects Tatler’s focus on power and influence in Britain. This is also seen in cover line ‘Inside the new British establishment’.

Cover image reflects British culture’s interest in stately homes and high society events with Weymouth dressed in a ballgown in the gardens of her Longleat house. 

References to royalty / aristocracy suggests elite demographic and reflects ingrained aspects of British culture (‘Off Duty Royal Dressing’)

5) Section of the Marvel website with gallery, story synopsis, character posters and opportunities to buy or stream the film. 

Social media profiles on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Social media and YouTube advertising was also heavily used by Marvel to promote the film including using tweets from audience members on massive billboards.

Marketing Black Widow was a challenge due to the Covid pandemic and it therefore did not make as much money at the box office as other Marvel films despite this marketing and promotion.

6) I think that writing quickly to get as much detail as possible down in a short space of time is useful. Additionally, I would like to include more features and conventions to maximise the number of marks I can achieve and not limit myself. Also, revising codes and semiotics would help me write more and therefore be able to get a higher grade.


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