NHS Represent Advert: Advertising CSP 3
NHS Represent Advert: Advertising CSP 3 1) BAME stands for Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and refers to ethnic minority groups. However, the term is not used as widely as it is viewed to be "proble matic" by many sources, including the Guardian, who specifically mentioned that it was " d oomed to fail because it's impossible to distill centuries of history and culture into a handy acronym " and " it feels wonky and contrived while implying that all ethnic minorities are part of a homogeneous group ". 2) Blood is needed in ethnic minorities' communities because only 3% of their blood is available to be transplanted in life-saving emergencies, which means it is important to encourage people of colour to be informed of the need to give blood to save lives. 3) The advert once people to recognise the importance of giving blood and to do so and increase the amount of people who give blood who are from ethnic minority backgrounds. 4) It is called ...